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Why Are Some People Just Natural Leaders

People Just Natural Leaders

Do you know someone who can solve 30 crossword puzzles within 2 hours? Do you know the boy who can interpret a dream and say that it is an innate ability? Do you know Albert Einstein and Mr. Sam Walton and how they manage? Can you give me a simple and initial answer from the above question? If you’re going to be a manager, what should be your technique and what policies should you impose?

To tell you the truth, Mr. Sam Walton was a person behind those innovations and techniques in marketing and business retails. Some people will tell you that in 2014 there are few opportunities to be had and it was “easier before”. Others with a different and more progressive mindset will say that there are actually a ton more opportunities and simply by being aware with the 24/7 easy access we have to news & media sources on-line there are a myriad and even tons to more projects and money making avenues to he had. He was also the founder of giant industry Wal-Mart and produced small retail stores of K-Mart. He was one of the best examples of a wise manager and a customer at the same time.

Do you know how? Actually, there was one point in his life that he had to do one crucial task in order to satisfy his curiosity. When he visited one branch of K-Mart, he took his voice recorder and camera with him. He captured every work that a team of employees did, recorded every loud noise and conversations of some personnel and observed what he did without their boss in charge.

Actually, the employees became productive and independent to work for themselves. They worked for their own good, finished their daily jobs without failures and focused on what they supposed to do without their boss. Honestly, the strategy of Mr. Sam Walton also shaped them to become a better persons and competitive personnel. Do you the reason why? It was because every single move was captured and every giggle in silence and laughter was recorded. Mr. Walton observed whatever they do in the workplace.

There are different styles of management in the book. However, being an effective manager is a learned skill. There are new innovations that soon to change the strategy of a leader while old applications are set aside. Training and great skills are needed to mold a team of personnel to become effective professionals and of course, to make them better persons in the future.

It is the key of successful business no matter what your position is. It is the basic action that a manager should do in order to prevent the words “underwork and overwork” and of course, to prevent any issue in the workplace.

Why Are Some People Just Natural Leaders

Leaders, Natural Leaders, People Just Natural Leaders

via 1bestofways