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Books About Raising A Developmentally Disabled Child

Books About Raising A Developmentally Disabled Child

No one ever expects to become the parent of a baby with a disability. Although some people do find out before birth, for most it still comes as a huge shock. In an instant they realize that all their hopes and dreams will have to change. Yet as they begin to recover they will also realize that life is not as bleak as they first thought. Reading some books about raising a developmentally disabled child will give them emotional support and practical advice.

Most people today buy their reading material on line from huge stores like Amazon. This gives them access to literally tens of thousands of titles, many of which can be purchased used at very reduced prices. In addition customer reviews are always available and can be very helpful in making a decision on which book to buy.

Once they begin to recover from the shock of learning their baby has a disability parents need a lot of practical help. There may well be medical issues to deal with. This is a whole new world on its own. Insurance claims, bills, doctors appointments and therapy can take a huge toll on any family. Reading accounts by others who have already been through this situation is a great way to get a much needed boost.

The tone of a book really depends upon the bias of the author. Some people have found that having a child with a life long disability very difficult. This is especially true for children who have significant health or behavioral challenges.

The parents often feel over whelmed and that they have lost their ability to have a life. Everything has to revolve around the needs of the child and stress levels rise very quickly. The first few years are often the most critical as everyone adjusts to the new situation.

On the other hand some parents find a tremendous amount of joy in caring for their child. Despite the disability and challenges they find it brings a whole new dimension into their lives. They are also able to network with other parents in the same situation and this really helps them feel that they have support. In addition just having people who understand them offering support and advice can really make all the difference.

Editor J Marsh has put together an amazing collection of parent accounts in From the Heart: On Being the Mother of a Child with Special Needs. Nine mothers talk openly about their lives, feelings and children. They offer practical advice as well as emotional support. This is a must read book for new moms.

Patrick Schwarz’s work entitled From Disability to Possibility: The Power of the Inclusive Classroom is a must read for parents of school age children with disabilities. Schwarz talks about what works and what does not providing an enormous help to parents and educators.

Family, friendship and love are at the heart of many great books. The majority are written by people who are going through life with a intellectually disabled youngster. Every insight is unique and valuable.

Books About Raising A Developmentally Disabled Child

Raising A Developmentally Disabled Child, Disabled Child, Developmentally Disabled Child

via 1bestofways